Choice Work

GR!DC logo consists of angular, san serif, hand lettered, bold, black letters with a lighting bolt as the exclamation mark.

We Are Girls Rock! DC

Design Choice updated the GR!DC brand and website with a visual voice that reflects the DYI roots of the organization. We created a flexible mark that is inspired by and based on the original logo. The updated Wordpress website is fun and user friendly; Design Choice created new and updated content and expanded the brand into the design.

  • Brand Design,  
  • Web Design,  
  • Illustration,  
  • Logo Design,  
  • UX Design,  
  • Web Development  
Two variations of the GR!DC logo: a) Girls Rock DC, hand lettered in bold, black letters and with the i replaced by a lighting bolt; b) the hand lettered Girls Rock DC inside a hand drawn guitar with a broken neck.A screenshot of the GR!DC landing page.A photo of the website’s wireframe and sitemap planning documents taped to a wall during a discussion.  A Macbook and iPhone showing different sections of the website’s responsive design and layout.Hand drawn icons of a microphone, guitar, keyboard, drum kit, mixer, and bass guitar. Screenshots of three pages from the GR!DC website: homepage, programs, and donation.

Learn more and get involved with GR!DC at

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